Monday, October 12, 2009

Be effective to be awesome!

Hello bros,

this time it's all about being effective and to what it is going to lead to.
Some of you might already know the difference between effective and efficent...
I explain it with a sales example for those who don't know:

As a sales guy you can work very efficent by making 60 calls/h...10h/day...without a break you complete 600 calls/day...every the evening you're totally time for being time for pick up sexy chicks...and in the end you just close some small don't earn much money...don't get the ladies...don't get the promotion...don't be fact you don't get the life you deserve as a bro...

The other sales guy (one like me ;-)) just work max. 6 h/day (and that still is too much) make just one call/h but you talk more, laugh and have fun with the guy on the other've just hot contacts and don't make any cold work with a self-builded network...your work is at go out and close big don't waste time with stupid prospects of whom you already know that they won't have an awesome life with fun, money, power and really work effective...that's what you bros deserve...

The good thing is you always can become one of the second kind.

I know you ask yourself "how?" by now...

Here are some tricks of how-to-be more effective (which normally leads to a better life):

- avoid time wasters: Don't check your mails every five minutes. That costs a lot of time and you'll never be focused. Don't do what is anyone else work (no problem if you do someone a favor but don't do favors all day). Don't call cold-contact-lists. Don't meet with prospects of whom you already know that they don't buy (some just do this over and over to show their boss that they are busy as a the next point about this). You can find more about this topic in "the 4-hour work week" of Timothy Ferris...I recommend to read this one no matter what you do for living.
- always think result-orientated: Nobody cares about what you do at work when you don't generate wealth (no matter what kind of) for the company. If you cook coffee every day no one will care about when it comes to fire or promote someone. Everything that really counts for any company is generating wealth (even if you're in customer service you make customers more happy and they will recommend your company which leads to a higher turnover and more wealth). Important: You just get paid for your results not for your effort! Remember this!!
- jump off projects/clients that are already lost: If you realize it makes no sense anymore go to your supervisor and tell him...if he don't accept then go to his boss. Nothing is worse for your self-esteem and for your (personal and financial) satisfaction than waste hour after hour in a dead-end project. Don't do this to have to do something to generate wealth!
- don't do cold calls: They don't work! Think about it (from your own experience). Or read "Never cold call again" from Frank Rumbauskas if you want more explanations and solutions.
- think about how you can manipulate your supervisor: You should get the hot contacts/the prestigious projects and the letter of recommendation for the next post. So be nice but him/her how you can help him/her to achieve their personal goals and he/she will help you to achieve yours. If it's a she...nail her and than your position will be better in most cases...;-)
- think about who are your friends and who aren't: Your friends could help you by supporting you in hard should return the favor. When you have enemies than you should know them...and fight them with their own weapons or if they can't sabotage you then just ignore them and care about the positive stuff.
-do networking: Read the post about "stay in touch...with everybody"!
- think about what parts of your work really lead to success: Eliminate everything else (ecxept the stuff you like...). Focus on this and you are successful in a short time.
- organize your time: By doing so you can save time every day and decrease your stress level which brings you to more awesome time to relaxe or have sex or sleep or or or...You can find a lot good tips in the internet or in different books. One important principle is the one of pareto. It says that you can achieve 80% success with 20% of your work/ just do the important 20% two times a day and you can reduce worktime by 60% and get 200% outcome...:-) This makes a big difference if you always keep that in mind!
- in every decision you have to make think about weather or not it helps you to achieve your targets: Self-explaining.
- set priorities: This is a very important point to organize your day/life. Try this priorization-system of Eisenhower: Make four quarters and lable them like this...1st urgent and important; 2nd urgent but unimportant; 3rd not urgent but important; 4th not urgent and unimportand. Now allocate your "duties" to those quarters. Do everything in the first quarter asap, deligate the stuff from the second quarter or do it after you did the other stuff, set yourself deadlines/milestones for everything in the 3rd and do them on your own, when it comes to the 4th...throw it in the trash can.
- show your balls: Don't let others use you and say no to those who won't help you or others. Think about the bank of favors in this context. Sometimes you have to be the tough guy to show you are capable of being a leader and you are worth to be supported. You're the man!
- try to seperate free time from work time: Nothing is more important than to relaxe from work and to enjoy awesome free time. If you can't separate your free time from your work you face an unhappy life full of sorrows with a early end. Think about this worst case to show yourself why you should enjoy free time without thinking of work...
- be honest to yourself: Are you really capable of doing this job? Do you like it? Do you think you'll be happy with it? Can you earn enough to make your dreams come true? --> if you answer any of this questions with no quit your job as soon as possible... (Attention: If you have kids or others you have to care about than find a solution for them before you quit! But do it anyway.)

You can implement most of this stuff in every area of your life...I just took the work example to make the points clear for everybody.

Be awesome...effectively!



1 comment:

  1. You're so awesome man.
    I love reading your blog.
    It makes me a happy man!!!

    Thanks a lot!!

    Your fan,

