Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Most awesome stuff happens beyond the comfort zone!!

Hello bros,

you all might have heard from the "comfort zone"...if not here is a formal definition:

The comfort zone is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-
neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk (Alasdair A. K. White "From Comfort Zone to Performance Management")

In this zone many of us act most of their time but in this zone nothing special or fantastic ever happens. It's like living in a grey part of the world like a zombie without the thrill of taking any risk.
And risk is the word what it's all about. Being afraid of taking risks limits our options...you'll never ever go home with an unknown chick and have the world-changing, mind-blowing one-night-stand-crazy-mega-sex of which you dream every single night in bed.
Without taking risks you'll spend a boring life and nothing mentionable ever happens in your life.
If you wanna be the mayor of the city of awesome you have to pass the red line an go far beyond of your convinient microcosmos. You have to dare what you always dreamed about doing but never did before.
Go out and just do it! If you aren't sure about anything think about the worst that could happen...is it really that worse? Or will it be forgotten 1 min. later? Or maybe a week later?
Then think about would could happen if everything works out as you imagine....think twice....oh yeah this would be awesome...I like it!!!

Any human being who was/is or will be successful/awesome/satisfied with his life went/goes or will go beyond his comfort zone on a regular base to experience awesome true stories which he definitely won't forgot his entire life.
Think of all the people you admire (no matter if this are actors, politiciens, leaders, cops, thiefs, your mother...)...did they always live in their convinient small comfort zone??? I bet the answer is no!!

So if you want your life to rock and be awesome instead of being Mr. Boring himself you too have to leave this zone as often as you could....because the really awesome stuff happens beyond the line....

Stay awesome!



1 comment:

  1. This is true my friend!

    Really awesome stuff!!

